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3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello, I was interested in your review services. I have released 9 novels thus far, from 3 different publishers in the US and Canada and also have a self-pubbed series. I have several books that were released in the last year, both YA and new adult. I’m currently working on the “Death of the Mad Hatter” if you were interested in a ARC.

    AND/OR I am interested in your promo services. 🙂
    About Me: I specialize in dark, paranormal romance – think “happy ever after” but with a twisted, dark chocolate center. Real-life romance isn’t only filled with hugs, kisses, bunnies, and rainbows. True-love can be more thoroughly described in times of darkness and tribulation. It’s in those harsh moments where you see what a person is truly capable of – both the good and bad. Sometimes prince-charming isn’t always on time, and the glass slipper is a little snug. However, it doesn’t mean Charming is not Mr. Right, and who says every shoe is the perfect fit?
    Sarah J. Pepper

  2. My Name is George P. Harris

    I write novels in the literary tradition. My website is-http://georgepritchardharris.com/

    My first three volumes will be available as free Kindle downloads on September 14, for 24 hours starting Midnight PST.

    The Amazon link is-http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=George%20Pritchard%20Harris&search-alias=digital-text&sort=relevancerank

    Please contact me for any reason- gph73@yahoo.com

    Very truly yours,

    George Harris

  3. Hello, I was looking for your review policy and contact info but didn’t come across them. I was interested in a review for my book(s). The Wanderers series is a young adult paranormal romance and the first 3 books in the series are currently available. You can find more information on the books here at my blog. http://www.jesslmiller.blogspot.com and you can reach me at m7stars27(at)yahoo(dot)com
    Here is a brief synopsis of the first book. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you! Have a great day! 🙂
    What do you do when you learn your family is the one who’s holding all the secrets? Secrets that could get you killed…

    Ella is looking forward to starting college in the fall with her best friend Josie. She’s looking for a place where she can get away from her overbearing parents and two older annoying brothers. Unfortunately Ella realizes that sometimes the past comes back to haunt you.

    Ella soon learns that the man who terrorizes her dreams is in fact real and coming after her.

    When one of her classmates is murdered, Ella slowly recognizes this is not some strange coincidence. Ella fears that the boy she’s falling in love with is the one who stalks her dreams and no longer knows who she can trust.

    When she finally learns the truth of her family’s deepest secret, Ella has to face her demons by taking out one of the people she thought she could trust…before they kill her

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